The Message Of Love I’m Sharing in the 3 major ABRAHAMIC religions carries the same message that started with Moses, the same message was carried by Jesus, “Love God, Love Yourself, Love Your Neighbour Like Yourself.” the same message carried on by Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him.
In Hebrew וְאָהַבְתָּ לְרֵעֲךָ כָּמוֹךָ
In Arabic قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسالم
لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يحب لأخيه ما يحب لنفسه
Whatever you believe, you are most welcome to read and reach your own conclusions. And all I wish to share with you is a message of love. You will soon discover that all of the Abrahamic Religions have one thing in common. A similar phrase, you can translate, will translate to love your neighbor. And this message from the prophets, we all, or most of us can agree have been given a similar instruction, a fundamental message, to love your neighbor as you love yourself/Love thy neighbor.
And we hope the positive message will continue. If you believe in God, you will love God first, love yourself, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. When we keep that message simple it works.
If you are an atheist, or you have a different faith, you are also welcome to learn more about the message of love, plus the translations and references, here on this website.
In the featured videos we explore how the message translates, and how we can implement the message and spread the message of love in our community.
My Origins
I was born and raised in Galilee. And I am a descendant of Moses ~ (the Tribe Of Levi). My name biblically is Gershom. I am the eldest son of Moses & Zipporah, Jethro’s daughter.
I Would Like To Share With You My Experience Of Meeting, Or Seeing God
I was waiting to meet my girlfriend, in Galilee, on a Mediterranean Beach, in a place called Insara, meaning Sarah’s Eye. It was a silver moon, which means that it was a full moon reflected onto the sea (There is a saying in the bible, the holy spirit hovered over the water), and this is when I saw God. The moon became the face of God. He appeared as a father Christmas-type figure, he was handsome and had a divine smile on his face. He looked at me and he didn’t say anything. My understanding was everything to remain the same, nothing to be changed.
The message of “Love God, love yourself, love your neighbor like yourself.” the message had stayed with me, as I had seen him/met God for the briefest of moments, sitting by the Mediterranean Sea, Israel. My homeland.
The Vision
Our mission is to keep the message of Love God, love yourself, love your neighbor like yourself alive in this time in history.
How The Idea Came About
When I was a compulsive gambler, I had no money to buy food, because I gambled away all of my earnings. One day, I was eating from the bin, and a brother approached me, and said, go to the New Hope Trust Soup Kitchen where you can have food. When I started to go there, a member of staff will do reading before lunch. I started to hear about my home Galilee. The penny dropped, and I realized, this is what I need to do. To keep the message of love God, love yourself, and love your neighbor like yourself.
Why It Is Important To Remember The Message?
I came to realize that all religions carry the message of love. Example in the Abrahamic faiths – , in Hebrew – In English Love God, love yourself, love your neighbor like yourself. Arabic – .